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General Hospital Regulations:

Tobacco use is strictly forbidden in a confined hospital environment.

Meetings are daily from 2 to 4 pm. For the well-being of all patients and for better care, avoid having relatives in the ward during non-appointment hours.

Please refrain from bringing children and children under 12 years of age to a separate hospital to prevent the transmission of communicable and infectious diseases.

Respectful companions are required to enter and exit the relevant companionship

It is forbidden to enter men's departments outside of the office hours.

Avoid bringing audio visual aids to operating room sections and special sections separately.

Patients are excluded from the ward without coordination with the ward authorities.

Prepare the bag of personal belongings you need from the reception unit prior to admission.

The hospital allows the patient to accompany a trusted person (especially children) during the diagnostic stages, including examinations.

The hospital has no responsibility for protecting the patient's property, so avoid keeping your valuables such as money, watches, jewelery, and so on during your stay. If necessary, inform the admission officer if necessary so that necessary arrangements can be made.

Providing health services to the patient (patient) with respect for their human dignity, respect for the patient's values, cultural and religious beliefs, and on the basis of honesty, fairness, courtesy, compassionate and free from any ethnic, cultural, religious discrimination The type of illness and gender is handled by hospital staff.

Only the recipient (the patient), the treatment group, the person authorized by the recipient (the patient), and those deemed to be authorized by law may have access to the patient's information (the patient's file).

Observing the order and health of the environment is a sign of your supreme personality, thanks in advance for your sincere cooperation.